Tuesday, March 6, 2012

menu on Tuesday

[one of Benjamin's excellent breakfast sandwiches]

Sorry for falling off the face of bloggyland last week. I had a rather crazy, sleep-deprived week, taking care or sick children, trying to finish projects, and preparing to vend at a small local craft/direct sales fair.  Plus I was in a strange, anti-social mood and did not feel like taking photos and writing.  This week I am in a more sane frame of mind, and since I just finished a bunch of projects, prepare for an avalanche of posts.

Here is what I'm making this week if everything goes according to plan:

T-black beans and rice with chicken and apple salsa
W-pancakes, scrambled eggs, fruit
Th-ginger lime stir fry
F-creamy-sauced pasta of some sort

What are you making this week?

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