Monday, April 30, 2012

monday menu

[hot oatmeal with brown sugar, raisins, and cream]

Well, last week ended up being unexpectedly crazy, and following my menu plan took the back burner. If nothing else, it'll make this week's menu planning a lot easier since I'll just make some of the meals that I didn't get to over the last couple of weeks.

M-roasted chicken. orzo with parmesan and basil, and roasted brocolli (based on this recipe)
T-barbecued pulled chicken sandwiches with left over salad and coleslaw
W-waffles and fruit
Th-black bean tacos with corn salsa (no, I still haven't gotten to these)
F-grilled steak, green beans, and mashed potatoes
S-chicken pot pie

What are you making this week?

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