Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Well, this week has definitely turned topsy-turvey.  After receiving news of my grandmother's failing health on Monday, we decided that it would be a good idea for me to take the little ones and visit her for a few days. Yesterday was a flurry of laundry and packing.  Today my mom, Little Man, Brother, Sweet Pea and I made the 8 hour drive to my grandparents' house.  I'm certain that being here right now is the right thing, but I sure do miss my Benjamin! (And my kitchen though not in the same way.)

Anyway, this post is about the color green.  We saw so many beautiful shades of green on our drive (as well as more white than I liked.)  I would have loved to photograph some of them to share with you, but since I was driving I figured I'd better not. ; )  Happily, though, I completed a mixed media piece last weekend, so even though I have not green photos, I still have something to show and tell.

This is not my usual style, but I'm very excited with how it turned out!  I've been wanting to do more with color, and since green is my favorite, it was an easy place to start.  The above pieces is made with layers of colored pencil, watercolors, ink, more paper, more ink, little mulberry paper leaves, and thread.

The quotation is by Pedro Calderon de la Barca.  Other than the fact that he was a Spanish writer, I don't know anything about him, but I feel certain that we were kindred spirits about one thing at least: the color green.

So excited to be linking up with Jennifer's Color Your World Challenge!


  1. Visiting from Jennifer's "Color Your World" - I love your artwork! So beautiful - and green is a favorite of mine, too.

  2. Lovely creation ~ compostion, design, color are wonderful ~ hope you and your family are doing okay ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

  3. So sorry to hear about your grandmother. My husband's grandmother's health is failing as well so I understand the uncertainty that comes with that.

    Love your GREEN interpretation. I love how you used so many elements to create such a beautiful piece!

  4. I am glad to hear you were able to make the trip to visit your grandmother Christina! I am sorry to hear her health isn't well.

    I love this beautiful interpretation of green! It is gorgeous! Love the layers and all the mediums you used. Great addition of using thread in there too! Thanks so much for sharing with us! :)

  5. so beautiful! it is so true, too... great job!!!

  6. Your piece is so pretty and flowing. I swoon over swirls and things like that. Thank you for joining in and sharing your green with us.

    I am sure your grandmother was uplifted by your visit.


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