Wednesday, August 1, 2012

vintage jewelry

Well, in that same assortment of vintage goodies
were several very nice pieces
of vintage jewelry.

(Look closely to see the reverse carved pagodas!)
I fell in love with these earrings the moment I saw them
even though they had funny clamps for attaching them to earlobes
(like these only more tarnished).
I asked a friend who makes jewelry
to add the pretty orange beads and put modern ear wires on them.

This style of earrings was apparently quite popular in the 40's
when WWII veterans, returning from the orient,
would bring them home as gifts for their sweethearts
and family members.
(Perhaps they were a gift
from my Great-Grandpa, a medic in WWII,
for my Great-Grandma!)

I haven't been able to find out much about
this delicate blue set.
I had my friend add modern ear wires to these as well.

This sparkly little number made of iridescent beads
definitely evokes glamor.

This Jerusalem cross pendant is labeled on the back
that is it silver and that it was made in Mexico.
It is only about two inches across--
the intricate details are breathtaking!
Once again, I haven't been able to find out much about it.

I must admit to being quite delighted
with my "new" pretties.


  1. Your 'new to you' pretties are gorgeous. Love that cross! :)

  2. That Mexican cross is absolutely gorgeous. My mother has something similar that I've been trying to get her to donate to me for the longest! Just curious, do you accept guest post? I love writing about vintage jewelry.

  3. I agree with the previous comments, the cross is really amazing. I also loved the blue set of earrings and necklace too. It looks really special and delicate. Thanks :)


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