Monday, March 25, 2013


So it's almost the end of March,
and I'm finally posting about my New Year's Resolution.

This actually ends up working nicely
because often by this time of the year, Resolutions are forgotten.
But instead of forgetting,
I'm writing about it for the first time
and getting a nice reminder of my year-goal.

(acrylic and sharpie)

Several bloggers I follow
wrote in January about how their resolutions
were encompassed by a single word or short phrase.

I loved it.

And the more I read,
the more convinced I became
that my special resolution words for this year
should be Peace and Peaceful.

Between family and friends, church, work, and play,
not to mention sleep-deprivation and emotions,
I find myself becoming agitated far too often.

So this year I am pursuing being a
person who is characterized by peace.
It is a hard but excellent goal.

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