Friday, April 12, 2013

baby gifts

[Image 4502 in which I perch precariously on the piano bench
in an attempt to get a good quilt photo.]

This week I had the enjoyable task
of making, packaging, and mailing baby gifts
to two different families of friends who are both
eagerly awaiting the arrival of Baby #3.

First I finished this scrappy flannel quilt
featuring all sorts of critters: frogs, bugs, and lizards.
(I already had the quilt top sewn together, so it was a quick finish.)

I also decided to embellish a coordinating pale green onesie
by using fabric paint to free-hand little bugs
that almost perfectly mimic the bugs in one of the prints in the quilt.
I'm pretty tickled with how it turned out.

The second gift began with a simple, two-sided flannel blanket
made with pretty pastel purple and green fabrics.

To round out the gift, I added a coordinating bib and hat
from my collections of already-made bibs and hats.

I love being able to celebrate new little arrivals!


  1. :) I love the toes at the edge of the first photo.

    Darling newborn sets.

  2. Such wonderful and super useful gifts for new babes. I'm really impressed by how much you get done with with your young kiddos at home.

    Thanks so much for the comment you left on my blog. My husband is an ER doctor in a small "country" hospital that is understaffed (they can't get any doctors to come work there because it's 45 minutes from most stores and entertainment) and it's really difficult for him to get more than 3-4 days off in a row. So for years we only did 3 day getaways to a hotel on the beach which is an 90 min from our house - we did the same thing each year. But our kiddos are now 14, 12 &8 and I've decided to use the fact that they haven't been able to hire anyone for years to make the ER give us a week off at a time (he still doesn't get paid for that week but that's life!) So last year we went to Disneyworld and now a week on the beach and hopefully another week during the summer. We really need this time as a family.

    Also thanks for the dulce de leche baking method link in the last post. I didn't know you could bake the milk in a water bath - for years I used to boil the can but then I read that it was really dangerous so I stopped making it altogether. Your cookies look so yummy!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. aww... these gifts are so sweet! and you are sweet for putting them so thoughtfully together for these two families! :)

  4. What beautiful gifts! I'm truly in awe of your work! I can only imagine how those mothers will treasure these. When you get to the third, and nearly everything for the new baby is well used, things like this are a treasure. I know. :) Your work just makes me smile.

  5. Beautiful gifts! I always love handmade.

    To answer your question about buying products from The Village Store artists, it's in the works! I'm hoping in the next 2-3 months to have items for sale online shipping from the U.S. I'll advertise it when it's available!


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