Friday, June 21, 2013

art journal

One of the things I love about my art journal
is that its pages are small (about 6"x6").
These small pages make it easier
to fit small sessions of art-making into short amounts of time.
They also make it easier to let go of my uptight perfectionism
and boldly try new things.
(For some reason it's much harder for me to let go
when I'm staring down a big, blank space.)
In short, it's a little safe haven
were I am brave and just have fun
with my art.

One of the ways I do this is by incorporating
whatever art supplies my kids have out.
The following two pages are experiments in wax resist
that were made on a rainy day
when they had their crayons and coloring books at the table.

I've been a little slow jumping on the washi tape bandwagon
simply because it seems like such an extravagance.
(No local stores sell it, so I have to pay shipping too.)
Last week I finally got some, though.
Well, Benjamin got it for me.
'Cause he's sweet like that.
 I love it just as much as I thought I would!
I think it would make great a great stocking stuffer.
Just sayin'...

While I was melting the boys' crayon nubbins
to make new heart crayons last week,
I decided to try some encaustic painting.
Okay, so technically encaustic painting uses
bees wax and powdered pigment,
but I figured that melted crayon wax
would make a fine substitute this time.
 My first try turned out pretty cool!
Melted crayon wax is hard to work with,
but the texture is amazing.

 My second try, well, lets just keep the 
brave and fun concepts in mind
because it's sure not great art.

For my third attempt I got a different paintbrush,
and it turned out pretty cool too.

And then there's this thing.
I sat down with my pens to make a
"one thing at a time" doodle
while focusing and organizing my thoughts.
I didn't listen to my own advice
and jumped up to do something else.
When I came back, I discovered that my little Sweet Pea
had decided to edit my art.
Too funny.
I finished the words
and then added some of my own embellishments
around hers.

linking up with Jen's In the Studio again today


  1. I love all the experimenting you've been doing this week. Your lettering skills are outstanding, by the way, and I love how you combined them with your child's artwork in the last piece. Blessings!

  2. I love everything about this...particularly one of the littles "finishing" your page for you! :) and one of your crayon encaustic pages reminds me of VanGogh's Starry, Starry Nught.

  3. This is awesome! What a great idea to have a small notebook for small pockets of time to be creative or to try new things. Maybe your little one needs one of her own. :)

  4. There's nothing like sitting down with an art journal and seeing what new thing you can do!

  5. i love the journey through your journal pages, you have inspired me to do the same this week, instead of waiting for time to draw, i am going to do it alongside the kids when they do school, no matter the medium on the table...

  6. i love all the things you did with crayon... that is so fun! love the sweet girl with an umbrella. i have yet to actually get any washi tape either. haven't seen it locally and haven't ordered any. but it sure is pretty! ;)

  7. lol. of course, you're not often able to do "one thing at a time" very often. . .with 4 li'l people to take care of.


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