Friday, July 26, 2013

and in the summer we are fruitivores

I think I've mentioned before
how much I love being able to get Bountiful Baskets!
I appreciate how it pushes me to try new vegetables
(grilled eggplant, or sauteed kale anyone?),
but my favorite is the variety of fruit we receive.
Here are a couple o fun fruity things I have made recently.

Taste the rainbow--nutritiously.
Top to bottom:
Strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapple,
honeydew, blueberries, and plums.
(Yes, I know that there is an indigo stripe in there too.
But tell me what kind of fruit is indigo.)

It really was a big hit
even though they look less than enthusiastic. :)

And of course there have been more popsicles.
left to right:
tropical smoothie
(banana, mango, pineapple, coconut milk)
red, white, and blueberry
(strawberry puree, vanilla yogurt, whole blueberries)
(honeydew and cantaloupe with whole blueberries)

left to right:
mango peach
kiwi slice and whole blueberries in apple juice
apple plum

This week we also enjoyed
 skewers of deliciously sweet frozen grapes,
but those disappeared too quickly for photos.

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