Monday, July 1, 2013

anniversary quilt

I've been holding off on posting about this
on the off-chance my in-laws randomly looked at my blog.
It's being given to them today, though,
so I think I'm finally good to talk!

Last month my sister-in-law and I
spent an intense four days making this quilt
for Ben's parents' anniversary.
She collected family photos and notes from the four kids,
artwork and hand prints from all the grandkids,
the family crest, and a favorite verse.
We printed all of these treasures onto fabric,
and incorporated them into a pretty awesome quilt.
(Even if I do say so myself.)
We are so proud of our accomplishment.
I can't wait to see the video
of my in-laws' reaction
when they open it!


  1. They are going to love it! You did a beautiful job, a truly lovely gift from the heart.

  2. Wow! What a priceless gift! They will treasure it for sure.

  3. That is so very precious! You guys did an awesome job! :)

  4. Wow!! What a treasure! I can only imagine how much they will love it! It's beautiful!


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