Wednesday, November 24, 2010

snow and ice

[one of my first attempts at close-up snowflake photography]

Well, after our lovely, long (for us) autumn, winter has set in with a vengeance. We have about 10 inches of snow on the ground right now, and yesterday had a balmy high of -2 degrees Fahrenheit. Brrrr!

I am so thankful for the cozy blankets on our beds, the roaring wood stove in the basement, the furnace that helps circulate the heat, and the yummy stew we had for dinner!

In spite of the bitter chill and the inconvenience of bundling up, the snow sure is pretty to look at. I suppose that when it really comes down to it, I'm thankful for the snow too. : )


  1. love your first photo! so cool. we have winter too....whether we are ready or not.

  2. Your snow flakes are beautiful! Isn't our Creator something awesome?


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