Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Brother is one-and-a-half today! He's still more cuddly than his big brother, but he is not a baby anymore. No, this running, climbing, chattering, singing one is definitely a little boy now! Here are some highlights of his life right now.

Brother is:
only taking one nap a day now
indicating that he wants to sleep in a big boy bed
loving his blankets (he's rarely far from at least one of them)
going potty in the toilet on command
eating huge amounts of almost anything in sight
(though he is more picky than his big brother)

babbling almost all his waking hours
saying more and more words
(some of his favorites include:
go, ball, bear, dog, eat, poop, hey, hu-un [no],
boo, look, poke, broke, and mama)
making so many impressive sound effects that I'm often amazed
recognizing and naming facial features

singing along heartily with music
(he even sort of follows the melody line of the ABC song)
playing drums with ever-increasing vigor

playing intently and intelligently, exploring his world
(some of his favorite toys right now are:
cars, balls, kitchen toys, mom and dad's shoes, stacking cups,
my old fisher price little people house,
brooms and mops, stuffed animals, and blocks)
"reading" books out loud and pointing at pictures
painting and scribbling pictures
loving stickers (especially stars)
kidnapping technology
(he loves phones, computer mice, wii remotes, etc.)

walking when we go around the block to burn energy
running fast, fast, flapping his arms
climbing up and down anything and everything
(couch, chairs, stairs, table; if it's elevated, he'll try to conquer it)
trying for all he's worth to jump
laughing so hard when we play chase that he can't run
getting in on Dad and Brother's pillow fights

Oh, I love this little boy, and I can't wait to see what the next months with him will bring!


  1. Such a sweet boy you have. Aren't they fun at this age? I have a grandson who is 20 months and just full of energy and fun!

  2. I'm so glad I picked today to come catch up with you! Your little one is growing so much! (They both are, actually, and they're SO cute!)

    I love the bag you made for your Aunt. The detail work is beautiful. And the little barn is delightful.

    Glad to hear you're pregnancy is going well, and that you aren't as sick now. That's always nice when your little ones need you. :)

    Have a wonderful afternoon!

  3. oh, he is beautiful! How awesome that he wants to be potty trained at 18 months - mine waited much longer. Love the Valentine's photos of you and your husband - you two are the cutest couple! And you are practically glowing!

  4. wow! What a milestone! It seems like just yesterday we were looking at his ultrasound pictures!! What an adorable little man he is though! And what a great job you guys are doing at raising him! The word list made me laugh. Cute :-)

  5. what a darling he is...you took a great photo of him to caputre this milestone. such wonderful days....savor every moment.


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