Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Jeff and Katie's wedding

Once again it's hard to choose just a few photos to share from Jeff and Katie's lovely wedding, but posting the nearly hundred that I got of just the ceremony and decorations (not to mention all of the portraits) would definitely be overboard.

My dad performed the ceremony.

The wedding party
(That's Little Man looking a little confused on the front row.)

bride and bridesmaids
(there was another photographer in charge of taking the guy photos)

This is the first wedding I have ever been part of that the guys were as excited about getting photos of their shoes taken as the girls were. Of course, most guys' wedding shoes aren't this cool either.

Little Man with his adored friend, Jeff.

Mr. and Mrs.

Off the the reception!


  1. i'm so happy i have to remember to breathe! such a beautiful summary of a full and beautiful day.

  2. What a beautiful wedding! I love wedding photos. These are wonderful. Love the shoe shot! :)


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