Monday, August 22, 2011

brothers and sister

One of the questions we've been hearing the most lately is "How are the boys doing with their new sister?" The answer? Well, they adore her, and aside from a little more general emotion than usual, their transition to having a tiny sister has been very smooth.

Sweet Pea and Little Man already seem to have a special bond. She listens in a special, intent way when he talks, and he loves to carefully hold her. He rejoices in having a sister, marvels at her tiny fingers, toes, and nose, and enjoys narrating what she is doing "She's wiiiiide awake!" "She's faaaaast asleep!" or "She's very wiggly!"

"If a big boy puts his finger in a tiny baby's hand, she'll hold on to it tightly." ~Little Man

Brother doesn't have the whole little sibling thing figured out quite as well as Little Man does, but that's okay since he's never done it before. His times of holding Sweet Pea are brief, usually ending in the urgent request: "Take it! Take it!" He does, however, take great delight in bringing his sister toys and blankets and helping with wipe opening and diaper disposing when I change her.

"Hug an' kiss sister." ~Brother

[Brother even shared his beloved puppies with Sweet Pea]


  1. Look at you, doing life beautifully with three kids! (oh, I didn't say perfect or every moment blissful! but you're doing it well!) :-) And.. I think of myself wondering and worrying a little bit about how it's going to go when we have another one and transition to two. And then I can't help but chuckle because I know it will be ok.

    Love the pictures!! Ian is such a great big brother; a protector. Liam's gesture was so sweet to share his puppy! That must have been a big deal for him!

  2. Awwwwe! Congratulations!!! What a sweet sweet little bably girl and what beautiful pictures! There is nothing like those tiny little fingers and tiny little toes, and the tiny little nose...

    I'm sure these three little ones are keeping you plenty busy. I hope today is a wonderful day of blessings with them!


  3. so sweet! the pictures are beautiful! they will love looking over them when they're older...great moments captured :)

  4. so precious! love to see them loving on her. What a sweet family God has blessed you with.

  5. Your children are beautiful! I have two sons followed by a daughter and the boys have taken their role as "big brothers" very seriously from day one. They always did and continue to take very good care of their baby sister. It looks like Sweet Pea will receive the same excellent care from her big brothers.

  6. So, so precious! So very happy for you all!


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