Friday, October 7, 2011

hats in progress

I have about a dozen hats sitting around my dining room and kitchen right now in various stages of completion. I love making things, but making a whole bunch of the same thing at the same time tends to leave me frustrated and annoyed. I joke about how someday when I'm rich and famous I'll design stuff and hire other people to make and market it...

In the meantime, however, I am thankful for beautiful fabric and an abundance of things to keep me busy. (I dislike being bored more than I dislike production work.) I'm thankful that even though the hats are all basically the same, there are enough variations to keep them from becoming too wearisome. I'm thankful that when I'm done with these, I will have one more project crossed off my list. I'm thankful that I'll have a new hat or two for a very low cost and a few to sell. And last but certainly not least, I'm thankful for a friend who purchased the one hat I have actually finished so far this week!

[Doesn't Emily look cute sporting her new hat?]

Linking up with Jennifer's Studio Sneak Peek today.


  1. great fabrics yo have there and yes, she does look cute!

  2. Love the hat and although it's maddening to create so much of the same, your buyers are going to love them :-)

  3. I love all the fabrics! Your hat is so cute! It would be so amazing to design and have other people make and market! :) Ahh... dreams...

  4. :D i'm glad that your busy and not bored.


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