Our baby girl's two month birthday was last Friday. She changes a little every day, just enough that it's noticeable but not enough to make it less of a shock when I stop to think and realize just how quickly the time is flying by.
Right now Sweet Pea...
is 10 pounds even
loves to eat
doesn't mind a bottle
likes her pacifier but can usually do without it
sleeps so well--at least 5 hours straight every night
still doesn't have a nap schedule
really loves to snuggle
likes to swing
enjoys tummy time
is holding her head up with ever-increasing stability
has focused on and reached for objects a few times
shows what might be the beginning of a preference for a little doll
is a social, chatty baby, cooing and gooing every time she makes eye contact
gets all excited, flapping her limbs and grinning, when she seems me coming
seems to be trying to sing along with Daddy
observes her brothers intently
smiles frequently and occasionally laughs
tolerates headbands for only a little while
tolerates headbands for only a little while
looks extra-cute in purple
I love my boys and wouldn't change them for the world, but I have to admit that there's something special about having a little lady in the house. I'm so grateful to have Sweet Pea in our family!
these summaries are a lovely reminder of the landmarks that are passing so quickly.
ReplyDeleteShe's lovely and it is amazing how fast they grow. We are looking forward to the birth of another grandson (our 4th!)in January. I can't wait to have a baby around again!