Tuesday, December 6, 2011

the stockings were hung with care

We are doing minimal Christmas decorating this year: our stockings, a tiny advent Christmas tree from my childhood, the nativity scene, and a couple of strings of white lights. Putting out any more seems so overwhelming, and taking it down seems even more so. I'm finding that the more I do simple decorations, the more I like them...

Two years ago I made coordinating stockings for our family from linens and fancy trims, but of course that was before we had Sweet Pea. So last week I pulled out my stash of stocking supplies and made a new girly stocking for her.

Our five stockings look quite nice hung in a line from our little mantle.

While I worked on the stocking, the boys kept me company. Brother pinned pieces of muslin together. Little Man cut, pinned, and hand stitched scraps of the linen together into his first sewing projects!

We we both delighted with the results. I love that the boys are getting coordinated and aware enough to enjoy observing me making things and to make their own projects alongside me, but it does make it more of a challenge to make their gifts... : ) More handmade Christmas coming soon.


  1. love the stockings....specially that new little girly one! Enjoy your days...Stay merry!


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