Wednesday, February 15, 2012

a valentine cup

A while ago
I noticed that I could buy travel coffee cups
with a special space inside
that could be personalized
by inserting a paper of your choosing.

The suggestion was to fill it with a photo collage
which is a nice idea,
but what's the fun in conforming to the expected?

I knew at once that I wanted
to make a coffee-cup-calligraphy
especially for my Benjamin.

The words
were spun together by Brian Andreas, 
but they nestled in my heart,
and I adopted them as if they were my own.

It made a lovely Valentine;
he was delighted.

linking up with Jennifer's Studio Sneak Peek


  1. so sweet...what a great idea! you did a marvelous job.

  2. it's one of my favorites of your calligraphy.

  3. I have used those mugs for photos before but I love the idea of using words.

  4. This is a wonderful idea...perhaps I will have practiced enough with lettering by next Valentines! And Sweet Pea is growing!

  5. Your lettering is so beautiful! Love what it says too. Such a sweet Valentine gift! :)


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