Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I finally finished this quilt that I started last November. I call it the "Irish flag quilt." It's the last of the three Celtic inspired lap quilts that I made for my brother-in-law to sell for me when he vends at a Celtic festival. His plans keep getting put off, so I've been putting off finishing this quilt. Finally I got tired of having it hanging over me, waiting to be finished, and I tackled the job. (I dislike piecing backing and doing binding, even on a lap quilt.) But it's done. And I'm glad.

Doesn't it looks nice as it "poses" in my gliding rocking chair? I'm pleased with how it turned out.


  1. it turned out very nice...I hope it sells for you. it always feels good to get something checked off your list doesn't it?

  2. wow, beautiful. I am always so impressed by people who quilt!

    stumbled on your blog somehow. hello!

  3. very nice! i am so impressed with what you can accomplish with a newborn in the house!


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