Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Wall decor

I finally got something hung on one of my bedroom walls! I'm so excited. We are still working on fixing up, organizing, and decorating our house even though we moved into it well over a year ago. Refining the decor in our bedroom has been low on my priority list, though I have been keeping my eyes open for inexpensive wall hangings that would coordinate with our colors.
A few weeks ago, I had the happy idea of hanging three little wooden shelves in our bedroom that had hung in the dining room of our previous home but that I hadn't used yet in the new house. I decided to paint them the same dark red color as our bedroom's accent wall and hang them on one of the light brown walls. They look stunning.
I collected various red, brown, and green themed items that I had stashed here and there and arranged them on my "new" red shelves. A pine cone, a sea urchin, a smooth piece of driftwood. A perfect oval rock from Little Man, framed pressed flowers from Benjamin, and an oriental bowl from my great-grandma. A couple of candles, small vases from my collection, and a special gold-framed verse. A straw heart shaped basket, a tiny red apple, a miniature globe and a...
...big ruffled pillow?

No, not the pillow. Though Little Man who was very excited about the whole project seemed to think it would go perfectly.

By the way, I'm sorry about the not-so-good photo quality that doesn't show off the colors well. Our room seems to be impossible to get good photo lighting in. Believe me, I tried. After nearly fifty photos, I gave up.


  1. i love the last picture. made me laugh when i scrolled down and read the "punch line."

  2. i love when a plan all comes together...good job on using what you had and making it a new thing! i think there might be room for that pillow up there somewhere! :)


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