Sunday, October 11, 2009

final calligraphies

Last year I began a calendar for my parents' Christmas present. It wasn't just any calendar, though, it was special. For each month I planned to make a calligraphy version of a verse that would coordinate with photos from the previous year all put together to form a scrapbooked page for each month. It turned out beautifully. The only problem? It took me forever to finish.
I finally finished it last Monday. Here are a few snapshots of the verses I calligraphied (is that a word?). Maybe someday I'll actually take photos of the twelve finished pages to show you all. : )
And closer view of one of my favorites:
It had been a while since I had done calligraphy, and it took my fingers and brain a while to warm up to the task again. Now that I'm in calligraphy mode, though, I can't stop thinking of new calligraphy projects! I thought of five new ones just last night and this morning.


  1. your calligraphy is beautiful. what a wonderful gift...I'm sure it will be treasured.

  2. oh, i love it! i'm looking forward to using it again!

  3. I am so impressed! You do beautiful work. And what a cool gift!

  4. That is beautiful!! I would love to learn Calligraphy. My Mom used to do quite a bit. Do you have any tips for beginners?


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