Sunday, October 11, 2009

whew, what a week (or two)

Benjamin has a lovely Aunt called Mary. She recently sent a package of gifts for the boys. In the package she included this card especially for me:
It made me laugh. : )
I do love to blog, and I enjoy the interaction I have with all my bloggy friends. I've been missing it, but I have had a very crazy couple of weeks. I'll summarize in list form (lists are so efficient and tidy).
The bad:
~My wisdom teeth were taken out last Tuesday. (It was a lot less scary than I thought it would be, and the dentist did a very good job.)
~I spent a lot of last week on my mom's couch not doing anything but nursing my poor, sore mouth.
~I managed to catch a cold which I lovingly shared with my sons.
The good:
~I am recovering quickly from my wisdom teeth being extracted.
~We apparently only have a head cold and not the swine flu which is going around our town.
~Benjamin made me a marvelous early birthday dinner, and we had fun having friends over to enjoy it with us.
~I have been able to make tomato soup from my own home grown tomatoes!
~I got to play my flute in church two Sundays ago. I love being able to work with Benjamin and minister to others through our music.
~I finished a couple of significant calligraphy projects!
~I got to go to Helena with Benjamin for him to take a final exam. We had a lovely, relaxed time chatting and being friends. And the boys both behaved beautifully!
~My sister-in-law got to spend a couple of nights with us. We always have lots of fun on her visits.
So there's the summary for you. I'll post a few more detailed posts about some of the items on my list as I have time.


  1. sounds like inspite of the "bad" you are finding some silver linings@

  2. ♥ i loved having you on the couch nursing your poor, sore mouth. i loved having the boys over too.

    even though i'm missing you now, i'm glad your feeling well enough to manage your own home and conquer the world once again.

  3. Hopefully you are close to being back to normal now. :) You poor girl!



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