Saturday, January 2, 2010


2010 is here
here for a while
hopeful anticipation
what will it bring?

The following are some of my goals for 2010:
~Read all the way through the Bible.
~Pray without ceasing and eliminate worrying (very ambitious).
~Be a more consistent mother.
~Potty train Little Man.
~Transition Little Man to a toddler bed.
~Start teaching Little Man preschool.
~Get Brother to consistently sleep through the night.
~Be a good wife (rather vague, I'm afraid, but it's still a good goal).
~Consistently pack lunches for Benjamin.
~Menu plan the whole year (not all at once, just consistently).
~Consistently serve fruits and vegetables with meals.
~Add more whole grain to my baking and actually use my grain mill.
~Grow a garden and actually water and weed it.
~Consistently have the dishes done before I go to bed.
~Make at least one Etsy sale.
~Learn to French braid my own hair.
~Cut back expenses to save for a trip to Brazil.

I didn't think I had this many, but as I typed more and more came to mind. I'm sure even more will come to mind after I publish this, but I'll leave it at this for now.

Happy New Year!


  1. I've got Read through the Bible this year on my list as well. I always like seeing other people's lists as it gives me thought for my own intentions. Happy New Year Christine!

  2. I want to read through the bible too, maybe lisa, you and I can all encourage each other along.

  3. Great resolutions! I'm hoping I can at least discipline myself to read the New Testament. :) Happy New Year!!!

  4. oh christina, i love this list. i'm with you on so many of them! (obviously not the mothering ones, but i'll be there someday, Lord willing) the french braiding, fruits and veggies, gardening, praying without ceasing, being a better wife, etc.- they are all right up my alley! thanks for inspiring me with your goals- i should make up a little list of my own.

    ps. you never ever ever need to worry about being too 'chatty' while commenting. ever! i absolutely love it and thank you for it!

  5. hi christina!
    i don't know if you'll get this note in time or not, but tonight i'm making your marbled chocolate-orange cake and i'm just wondering if you'd recommend juice from a real orange or orange juice from the carton? i'm guessing you'd say either one is fine, but real is probably just a bit better. i'll go with that for now, but if you have any tips for me, please let me know!

  6. Ummmm...I'm pretty sure that I used orange juice from concentrate. : ) How did it taste with fresh orange juice?

  7. These are awesome goals! Now I'm embarrassed with my "get out of bed everyday" goal. Lol!

    Happy New Year to you and your family!


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