Saturday, January 2, 2010


2009 is gone
gone forever
poignant gladness
time moves on

In January we were becoming accustomed to the idea of Brother arriving in August. A smaller milestone was my 100th blog post. February brought tumultuous emotions, difficult decisions, an amazing Valentine's Day trip, and growth in more ways than one. March was a fairly normal month of projects, treasured moments, and more snow. In April we faced great challenges as we adjusted to the changes from February and tried to be true friends. There were bright spots, though, like the amazing day that we had Brother's ultrasound and found out we were having another boy. May was another fairly routine month. We battled colds, lived everyday life, and celebrated Mother's Day. June was a wonderful summery month full of trips to the park and playing with sidewalk chalk, outdoor work in the garden and on the house and yard, grilling and eating outside, organizing and getting ready for Brother's arrival, and going on vacation. Little Man got to experience the ocean for the first time, and we all enjoyed our first trip to the redwood forests. In addition, it was delightful to catch up with and introduce Little Man to friends and family. July was another pleasant summery month. We celebrated Benjamin's birthday, completed projects, and worked through things. August brought our wedding anniversary and Brother's birth along with all the complex joys and challenges of having a newborn and an almost-two-year-old. September was a very productive month. We continued to adjust to having a newborn, went to the county fair and enjoyed many picnics at the park, finished projects and celebrated two birthdays (my mom's and Little Man's). September also marked my first blogging anniversary. In October I made my first significant hand bag and hatched a business idea. I also celebrated my birthday and had my wisdom teeth removed. November was somehow a very crazy month. I started my Etsy store, enjoyed the boys, and sewed. December was a fun month with a trip to Arizona and our Christmas celebration.

It has been a very full, very hard, and very good year. I'm predicting that this upcoming year will also be full, hard, and good, but that doesn't really take much foresight, does it?

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