Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Monday...er...Tuesday Menu

We are still battling this pesky cold here at my house. It seems like as soon as I think I'm starting to get well, I take a turn for the worse. Oh well, wellness will return to us someday. I've been very thankful for Benjamin's help with making meals these days. I couldn't ask for a better husband (for more reasons than that he's an amazing cook). : )

Here's what's going on in my kitchen this week:

T-leftovers (we have a lot in the fridge)
W-Pasta with red sauce and salad
Th-Chili and (hopefully) homemade rolls with carrot and celery sticks
F-Garlic-ginger chicken strips with rice noodles and satay sauce

Menu-ing tip: Check you sale paper (or sale papers if you actually live somewhere with a lot of grocery stores), and sock up items you use frequently when they are on a good sale. Then when you're making your menu plan, check your pantry and plan around what you already have.

What are you cooking this week?

1 comment:

  1. What am I cooking? You'll like this.
    Last night I made deer meat enchiladas (for Eric) and froze a batch for him so he won't starve while I'm on vacation :) He doesn't know it yet, but I have a freezer full of food for him to eat while I'm away....


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