Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Recipe Reviews

In spite of all the craziness last week, I enjoying being able to try a couple of new recipes. Here are my impressions.
One day Little Man and I, knowing Benjamin's love for apple desserts, made these Apple Muffins as a surprise for him. The only thing I changed about this easy recipe was that I added 1/4 cup of flour to compensate for our high altitude. We're definitely making them again! They're moist and flavorful, and even after the crispy tops got a little soggy in a Ziplock bag, we devoured them.

The second recipe we tried was Chicken Paprikash. I did adapt this recipe a little as I went along. For example, I used boneless skinless chicken breast instead of cutting up a whole chicken. I also was too lazy to look up what an "Italian frying pepper" is and just used the red bell pepper in my fridge. Oh, and I skipped the parsley for the dumplings.

The consensus? While it's definitely not "American" tasting, Chicken Paprikash is a rich, flavorful dish that we'll be making again. The recipe is a little involved, but the deliciousness of the tender chicken and dense dumplings smothered in sauce more than makes up for it.

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