Monday, March 22, 2010


I'm almost done with Little Man's orange and blue truck quilt! The above photo is the only one I've taken of the process; I've been so intent on working on that I neglected to take photos along the way. Let me tell you, all the painstaking trimming of those little pieces paid off in beautiful corners--the most consistent and best corners I've every made.

I got the quilt top all sewn together and the backing pieced in record time, and then I stalled because I didn't have batting. While I was waiting for an opportunity to buy batting, I got out my box of flannel scraps for baby quilts and surveyed them (I have a couple of friends who are having babies soon who will need quilts). Before I knew it, the pieces were sorted into stacks for quilts, and my rotary cutter was going a mile a minute. The next thing I knew, I had squares for no fewer than eleven baby quilts cut out. I used [almost] all the scraps up, though!

Tonight I'm planning on pinning the backing, batting, and quilt top for Little Man's quilt together. I'm hoping to quilt it tomorrow using free motion quilting. It's my first time doing that. (nervous...) I'll try to update as my progress progresses.

1 comment:

  1. : ) good work. i'm interested in seeing your finished quilt.


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