Wednesday, March 24, 2010


for this to get here! Thankfully I won't be in suspense too long since it should be here today. (I'm very thankful for overnight shipping!)
I was already planning on camera shopping, but when my camera died two days ago and we considered the fact that I have a wedding to photograph on Saturday, we decided to put camera shopping on the fast track. I knew I wanted a Canon DSLR, but that's about all I knew. After doing some research and looking at the prices of good cameras I decided on the Canon Rebel XS.

Even as I mourn the loss of my faithful PowerShot S3IS, I'm eagerly anticipating getting to know this new camera. I'm hoping that it will be, as many reviewers claimed, the prefect transition camera from point and shoot to SLR and am looking forward to beautiful photos in my future.


  1. how fun! you'll love it! enjoy taking lots of photos!

  2. Congratulations on your new camera! how exciting! can't wait to see all your photos.


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