Thursday, July 15, 2010


Yesterday I spontaneously decided to make a hobo sack, or in this case, a princess bag for my adorable little niece who we will be seeing this weekend. While I love crafting boyish things that will delight my little sons' hearts, it is so fun to take a pink and ruffly break and make something girly.
If you've read my blog for a while, you might already know that I have a hard time making just one of anything. (After all, it really doesn't take much longer to make two!) This time was no exception. I made a second princess bag that I hope we'll be able to deliver along with this quilt. The bag is for the Big Sister, and the quilt, of course, is for the New Baby.
Little Man and I also made a quick batch of more girly colored play-doh to put into my niece's princess bag.
I hope the girlies like their gifts.


  1. Ohhh, so cute! I have two sons, three grandsons and one daughter and girlie things are so fun! I was just asked to be godmother to a precious little girl and I am looking forward to getting into the "girlie" crafts again!

  2. Wonderful fun! Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. I love what you made! The little bags turned out so pretty! You are such a gifted mom! Are you going to make some boyish ones for your little guys? I bet they'd have fun filling them up, too. :)


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