Sunday, August 1, 2010

where i've spent the last week

Two years ago, I sold cards at our local farmers' market/outdoor craft fair. I mostly sold calligraphy cards similar to these. Last year, I opted out of farmers' market vending because I was in the third trimester of my pregnancy with Brother. This year I considered not selling at the farmers' market because I wasn't sure if it was going to be worth my time. However, the contagious enthusiasm of a friend and the appeal of vending together persuaded me to give it a try again.

So two Saturdays ago, I loaded up my cards, handbags, upcycled denim bibs, and a quilt to try my success at the market. What happened astonished me. I sold both of my Elinor handbags as well as several bibs! My success spurred me on spend all of my spare time last week preparing for yesterday's market. I made a dozen treasure bags, the same number of sandwich wraps, sixteen (I think) reusable snack bags, and six new handbags. One of the handbags was another Elinor bag custom made for a friend, two were Elizabeth bags, and three were brand new designs.

The next few days will be spent working on laundry and (hopefully) blogging. On top of talking about our exiting trip to Utah a couple of weeks ago, I now have new bags and farmers' market to talk about. So prepare for a deluge of posts as I try to catch up. : )


  1. Nice..I've never tried selling any of my stuff, I always think no one will want to buy it ;o)
    I am glad you made a sale!


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