This bag is smaller than my last one but still has plenty of room and customized pockets on the inside (it just won't be able to double as a diaper bag).

I have been amazed by the response to these last two handbags. I had been told before that I could sell my tote bags. I knew that I probably could but wasn't too excited about it. However, after making these last two bags, I have received a flood of complements and requests for custom bags or bags just like the ones I have.
The enthusiastic response of so many of my friends combined with my love for sewing bags (and the necessity of finding something to do with some of them so that they don't take over our house) got me thinking. I'm thinking about starting handbag business. I plan to start small, probably selling on Etsy.
Perhaps over time I can build up to having a decently sized business, but for now, I really need for it to be small. My priority will still be my family, and meeting the needs of my husband and growing boys must not take second place to a business venture. I do hope to be able to sell some of my work on the side, though.
I am very excited about this but am trying to take the time to think things through and go about it in a sensible, orderly way. I still have planning, organization, and footwork to do before all my thinking and ideas can be put into effect and my store is opened. In the meantime, I will be thinking about this to help keep everything in perspective.
then open an Etsy shop and start small by posting just a few things. If it sells out then it's not listed any more. Simple :-) Limit yourself to just one a week or something do able. That way you'd get some extra income but not overdo yourself because family IS important! Especially time with the boys when they're little and growing and having precious moments!
I rather think it's a good idea! :)
PS: It's been way too long since we've talked; email me? glrb1 AT yahoo DOT com)
you do make very cute bags...and I am amazed when you have young children, take it slow and figure it out, it could be just right for you.
you are incredibly talented! i'm just in awe of everything you create! if we lived closer to each other we would definitely have to have some crafty sessions!
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