Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Inspired by Made by Joel's Wall Hanging Box Aquarium, I recently helped the boys make their own min box aquariums.  I printed fish coloring sheets on card stock, and the boys colored them. Little Man cut out his own fish and sea weed, and I helped Brother with his.  Then I used an exacto knife, blue cellophane, glue dots, and a needle and invisible thread to assemble the final products.

They would probably have looked nicer if we had painted the boxes too, but I was pretty much crafted out for the day (yes, it happens).  Plus the boys really didn't care that there were pictures of tomato paste on the outside of their aquariums, so it's all good.

They were quite simple and fun to make.  Even better, they were fun to play with afterward and kept the boys entertained for a good, long while.  I'd call that a winner of a project!


  1. lovely aquariums! but my favorite part is their sweet, happy faces. :)

  2. sounds like a winner to me! They turned out fabulous and the looks on your boy's faces are just priceless!

  3. Yay - this looks fun! Storing it away for when O is a little bigger :)


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