Thursday, May 10, 2012

may photo challenge

It's time for the May edition of Project MCP!  This challenge has been so good for me, stretching me to do some creative research and to try new things with my camera.  Plus it's been fun which is always, well, a plus.

Challenge #1-Express the following word in a photo: Neighborhood.

I had an absurdly hard time figuring out what to do for this topic.  And even though I'm relatively pleased with the final photo, I still feel a bit dissatisfied. I was grasping at straws.

Challenge #2-Sunny day-Capture a photo with sunflare.

Challenge #3-Illustrate the following word in a photo: friend

I love how their laughter is so contagious that it can be sensed even in a still, silent photo.

Challenge #4-Take a photo with motion blur.

Challenge #5-One click. Show your first shot.


  1. Great photos Christina! Looks like a fun challenge. I love the sunflare! Mine never turn out like a star like that. How did you do that? :)

  2. Sweet pea is gorgeous! so much fun catching up here - you are one talented mama! Plus you totally rock that 40's dress! Happy Mother's Day to you.

  3. You always have great photos!! I hope you had a great Mother's Day! I have tagged you in a post, I'd love it if you would participate. :)

  4. Thank you for sharing the link to the photo challenge! I would love to do this. I'm glad I stumbled across your cute blog...XoXo


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