Friday, July 6, 2012

creative process

or perhaps I should clarify
that this is one
of my creative processes...

*not pictured:
corresponding with my client
and late-night mental design while I should be sleeping

sketching may involve
using my husband's pencil sharpener
and my son's scissors
cutting and tracing
exasperated sighing
pictures of prisms on Wikipedia
scrapping multiple undesirable drafts
facebook checking and updating
audibly praising ticonderoga pencils and nice erasers
a lunch of cereal for the boys
and unwashed dishes

trimming my paper to size is usually pretty straightforward

collecting my supplies might include
a trip upstairs to the kitchen
where various implements of art reside
on my magnificently dusty kitchen windowsill

meet my lightbox:
glass-topped table + lamp

ink time is simultaneously
the most nerve wracking and most satisfying
and usually includes
no music
trepidation that I'll set my hand in wet ink and smear it
horrible posture
messy fingers
multiple drafts


  1. Wow, beautiful! Your lettering is amazing. Lettering is an area where I feel majorly weak as an artist, and so seeing beautiful lettering puts me in awe.

    Also, hello from another Montana gal! ;) I almost never run into fellow Montana bloggers.

  2. :) i love this post and have already read it more than once. i relish the stark narration. the photos are a delightful sequence.

  3. Wow - lovely design and writing! You are very talented :)!

  4. Great design! So cool to see your process.

  5. Love your design. It's amazing and beautiful!!!

  6. Your family is beautiful! Love the lettering and design. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Thought you'd like to know that you are set up as a no-reply blogger. If you'd like to change your settings, I have a tutorial on it HERE You also have word verification on, but that may be by choice. I know several people who have stopped commenting on blogs with word verification, so I'm just passing that info along ♥

  7. I am seriously loving seeing your process - and I would much rather do anything artistic rather than dust! Marks of a true artist I think! Have I said before that I am deep "covet" over that pen nib that looks like a finger?


  8. A wonderful glimpse into the process and no doubt the finished product is delightful.

  9. I love hearing and seeing your process! Exasperated sighing... been there! lol This is a beautiful piece, Christina!

  10. What a fun post! I always enjoy seeing what you are up to! Your light table is ingenious, btw!


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