Tuesday, July 3, 2012

"instant collection"

I'm not sure why,
but something about the description
"instant collection"
on an Etsy listing always makes me smile.

My very own Instant Collection
of cute vintage keys
recently just fell in my lap (so to speak).

While she was helping my grandma pack,
my mom salvaged an odd assortment of vintage goodies
for us to go through more carefully.

Among them was a small box
filled with this assortment of keys.
They were horribly rusty,
but after a little TLC
in the form of vinegar soaking and vigorous scrubbing,
they turned out pretty nice!

I am having an deliciously difficult time
deciding what to do with them.
Accent a clutch?
Make a necklace or two?
Display them in a shadow box?
Add them to a mixed media art project?

What would you do if you had
and Instant Collection
of vintage keys?


  1. I love them in shadow boxes also.
    I have plans for one for my hallway :)
    these are beautiful, I love treasure from grandparents :-D

  2. They are so beautiful and interesting! I would have them all together in a shadow box. I think the variety of them together makes for such a neat art piece!

  3. I love the way they look all together, rather than strung together on a necklace. So I vote shadowbox.

  4. Those are lovely! What I would do? Put them up on the wall and put empty frames around each- maybe paint the frames? I would do bright colors on the frames for fun. Just one thought :)


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