Right now Little Man is
Delighting in anything BIG
Relishing loud noises
Beginning to talk up a storm
Being a little more affectionate
(though he still isn't cuddly,
he is giving more hugs
and the occasional kiss)
Remembering things I have forgotten
Reciting parts of his favorite books
Loving puzzles and bouncy balls
Making big snakes with play-doh
Jumping without quite lifting his feet
Shouting "RUN" as he dashes through the house
Finally really getting hair
Wearing 2T
Drinking from a real cup
Still working on using silverware
Always asking for more music
Playing shakers like a pro
Reviewing the alphabet
Seeing things from a unique perspective
(he keeps me on my toes
as I try to guess his thought process)
Talking to his grandparents on the phone
Asking to have notes from relatives read to him a jillion times
Loving his little brother
Admiring his Daddy and trying to be like him
Being a big boy helper to his Mama
I love him so much.
Happy Birthday to him.
I'm looking forward to many more.
Lovely post. Your boys are just beautiful :)
Happy Birthday to your little man! Two is such a wonderful age. I remember when I brought each of my babies home how they older sibling, just seemed so much bigger and louder!
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