Wednesday, July 27, 2011

nursery nook--complete

As you know if you've been reading my blog for a while, I've been steadily working on Sweet Pea's nursery nook (it's not quite a full-blown nursery since it's not quite its own room). I was finally able to put the finishing touches on it last week! The prints Tomorrow No. 4, Oak Reading Room, and Through Cherry Tunnels by Naokosstoop were the inspiration around which I planned all the decor, and I couldn't be more pleased with how everything came together harmoniously.

The cedar chest under the prints was a high school graduation gift from my grandparents years ago. A vintage monogrammed handkerchief protects the surface from scratches from a lamp from Benjamin's bachelor days dressed up with a brand new shade. The vintage sage green chair is a garage sale find from several years ago. On it are the decorative pillows I made just for the nook.

The green and blue bumper pad and sheet go perfectly in the hand-me-down crib which rests underneath my hand made mobile, and the coordinating quilt finishes the ensemble. Late afternoon when the sun streams through the windows and ruffled curtains, tinting everything faintly golden, is my favorite time to be in the Nook, though I'll frequently find myself there dreaming sweet baby-related dreams at other times of the day too.

[finally a good photo of the mobile!]

Hurry up, little Sweet Pea, your own nook is ready, and we're eager to meet you!

Linking up with Studio Sneak Peek today even though this wasn't a Friday post...


  1. The nook is beautiful! I love that you named it. It looks so cheerful, cozy and comfortable. I'm sure that Sweet Pea will be very content and happy there!

  2. Oh so sweet. Loving the details and personal touches that you have made and prepared for Sweet Pea. The mobile is precious. And I love the colors in the crib.

    Also appreciated your reflection on "come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. . ." such a great verse, and especially for almost-new mamas.

    Thanks for visiting and linking up today.

  3. You did an amazing job on the bedding! I think it's a beautiful nook! I'm sure Mama and baby will find much pleasure in that space.

  4. I felt like I could be nestled in the nook from your description here...and the golden glow of the afternoon...and it was sweet how the Lord gave you the Matthew passage so close to due date!

    Sweet blessings...

  5. What a lovely nursery. You can see the love you put into it!

  6. Hello, Christina! Your nook is lovely and peaceful. What a perfect place to spend time when Sweet Pea arrives. The quilt and bumper pads are so pretty. Did you make them? And I love the art. I followed your link yo her etsy shop. It is so sweet and quiet, perfect for your room :) You did a great job on the mobile, too! Perfect, perfect room. How long until you get to meet her?

  7. Ahh...such a sweet little happy for you! The bedding is so nice and a comforable chair to sit with the baby is so necessary. Wishing you all the best while you patiently wait ;) Have a wonderful week.

  8. So sweet! Did you make the quilt yourself too? Such a special time..."nesting" for your Sweet Pea! Your nursery looks full of love and comfort for lots of sweet dreams to come!


  9. Jennifer, well, today (August 1) is my due date, so any time now!

    Sadee, yes, I did make the quilt too. : )

  10. Oh... it is beautiful! All the special touches. Love the old pieces added with the new. Your quilt is gorgeous! Just a perfect place for your precious little one. ♥

  11. Just found your blog! Love it! The nook is beautiful! :)


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