Flowers from Benjamin. There are none outside, but he brightened my day by giving me some for inside. They are South
African Sun Stars and are
perennial bulbs. I hope I can help them bloom again. They are orange and came in a purple basket. I love orange and purple together. He knows me well. I'm thankful for him!
oh, so sweet & beautiful!
you have one thoughtful guy. how fun.
Christina, thank you so much for reading/commenting on my blog. It makes me feel so good to get feedback!
ps. the best sides that i've come up with for quesadillas are fresh fruit & chips with salsa!
Great shirts! And congratulations on your halfway-there mark too! :) These shirts will be great even after the baby comes, I'm sure. :)
Oh, those are beautiful...I've never seen those before. What a sweet husband.
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