It all started with an old sweater. Well, I suppose it wasn't really old. In any case, I loved it. The texture, the was perfect--until it started shrinking. It kept getting fatter and shorter. Oh dear. I decided it was time for the sweater to go; I put it in the give-to-the-thrift-store pile, and then I thought better of my decision. After all, if it's too short for me (I'm 5' 2"), who is it going to be long enough for? I decided, instead, to cut it up and make it into a couch pillow.
The pillow took me a long, long time to finish, though. Part of the reason could have been that it was a more involved project than I had originally anticipated (I had to carefully attach it to a woven back to avoid a wildly fraying, very stretchy pillow cover). Part of the reason could have been because I was tired while working on it and kept having to rip out incorrect seams. And part of the reason just may have been because I kept getting distracted.
First came the idea of making a small hat for Brother out of a sleeve. (It just looked like the right colors for him, and sleeve was the perfect size for his little head, how could I resist?) The result was a funky-fun little four cornered hat.

Then I started thinking about the other sleeve...the result was another hat of a different style. (It is a little bigger, and will fit him longer.)
And then came the rustic, raggedy-edged pot holder out of the pieces that were left from the pillow.
And finally I finished the long-anticipated couch pillow complete with ribbon button loops and vintage wooden buttons. I like it. I find it satisfying to see it sitting there in all its plump new-pillowy goodness, perfectly coordinating with the previously existing pillows.
And now I am full of new ideas for the other sweaters in my give-away pile. Oh dear. What have I started? : )
lovely, creative ideas.
that's just amazing all the goodies you got out of one sweater. I love them all...but that face on your sweet boy....sooo cute! Thanks for sharing...I'll be looking at my sweaters a bit differently now.
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