is a quilt for Little Man! I am going to make him a special quilt to help the transition to a toddler bed. Well, at least that's my excuse for taking on a new project. : ) I am planning it to be somewhere between baby quilt and twin bed quilt sized and would like for the finished result to look something like
this without the applique.
Little Man loves the color orange, so I went through my boxes of fabric and pulled out all the oranges that I thought would be boyish enough. I'm combining them with some blues (also from my stash) for a vibrant, boyish effect.

I couldn't resist getting some new fabric too, so I ordered some of this adorable print designed by Michael Miller. (Incidentally, the
Etsy shop I ordered it from has amazing customer service. I would certainly recommend them!)

Little Man chose it from the three or four prints that I had bookmarked. When he saw it, he lit up and exclaimed: "Trucks! Signs! I
need trucks and signs!" I can't wait until the fabric gets here and I can get started. In the meantime, Little Man is carrying around the orange and blue fabrics and talking happily about "my twilt!" and I am planning on working on the Elizabeth handbag (designed by me) to post in my
Etsy shop.
That is going to be one cool bed spread! I would love to see it when you're done :)
good post!
i love the photo of the fabrics all laid out. beautiful!
Such lovely colors. I would love to see the end result
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