Last Monday was Brother's seven month birthday. Recently, as I watched him sleep, it hit me that he is looking less like a baby and more like a boy. He's growing so fast. Every once in a while I feel sadness that time is going by so quickly, but the sadness is quickly overshadowed by the excitement of seeing him develop and grow, gaining new skills and developing his personality.

Brother now boasts two little teeth and likes to use them--for enhancing his sweet smile, as well as for biting. Biting spoons and baby food is fine, biting me is not.
Speaking of baby food, he is enjoying trying new foods. He now eats pureed squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, avocado, apples, and pears and loves them all. His newest food is strawberries which he tried and liked yesterday. In addition, he is perfecting his pincher grasp and is becoming proficient at getting cheerios into his mouth.
Brother gave up on his promising start at crawling and settled for army crawling. He is determined and fast and keeps me on my toes! He's also learning to sit up by himself, though he prefers the mobility of the army crawl to the view from sitting. It's fun to see him exploring the house.

Perhaps the biggest milestone this month has been changing Brother's and Little Man's sleeping accommodations. They are now sharing a room. Little Man is in a toddler bed, and Brother sleeps in the pack-n-play. It has taken some adjustment for us all, but we're making it and are doing better than ever at sleeping.
I'm looking forward to enjoying warmer weather soon and introducing Brother to fun things to do outside.
1 comment:
the photos you chose captured his personality perfectly.
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