We took the scenic route home from the baby shower we went to on Sunday. We love long drives along bumpy dirt roads, and Sunday evening was the perfect time to indulge ourselves with a beautiful drive. Since I had my camera along, I enjoyed taking photos of the beauty we encountered. Here are just a few of my favorite shots.

I think this was a Sandhill Crane. There were dozens and dozens of them! This one was kind enough to take off flying right beside the road we were driving along. We also saw a bald eagle and a red-tailed hawk, but I didn't get any good photos of them.

Here are some white tail deer. There were dozens of them too. I love how their ears stick up when they look at you.

I got Benjamin to stop the car so that I could capture a photo of this horse without bumping down the road as I snapped photos.

Montana in the spring is brown but beautiful. (Or in today's case, white and beautiful.) There is a plus, though, and that's the shorter allergy season!

Beauty. There's no way to capture the hugeness and beauty of our state with a camera. Even if I had a wide-angle lens, it still wouldn't do it justice.
Hi Christina!
I found your blog randomly...and I love it! I would love to stay longer and look at more!!!! I'll be back! I also love quilting! I also love calligraphy...everytime I scroll a little farther, there is more to love about your blog!!! Am I gushing?
Originally, I just wanted to give you a heads up that the bird in the top photo is a Great Blue Heron. All cranes stretch their necks out straight when they fly.
Hello! Thank you for visiting my blog. Also, thank you for the heads up about the Blue Heron. I know that we have sandhill cranes in our area, and when I saw that big bird, I just thought it was one of them. Guess I should have done some more research. : ) I'm glad you enjoyed my blog.
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