Yesterday I cleaned and organized our upstairs bathroom. I thought it was going to be an easy and quick project since it is quite a small room. I didn't take into account of all the stuff that we had stashed in the medicine cabinet and the cabinet underneath the sink that needed to be sorted and organized, though, and it took longer than I expected. It's worth worth it; I find it so satisfying to walk into a sparkling room and to open up a perfectly organized drawer. : )

I am especially delighted with this Martha Stewart-worthy organization scheme for one of my drawers. I used several small glass dishes that I don't use frequently in my kitchen to sort pony-tail holders, clips, earrings, bracelets/anklets, and frequently used necklaces. I like the pretty (and orderly!) touch they add.

I think I'm going to take a break from spring cleaning today for several reasons. First, I need to wash the dishes because, well, they need to be washed. Plus we have a guy coming to measure our kitchen for the new cabinets we hope to get this year, and it would be nice to have a sanitary if not perfectly orderly kitchen. Second, I have a
mountain of clean laundry to fold and put away. Third, I'm getting sore and whiny from all the extra scrubbing I've been doing, and my knee hurts. Anyway, all that to say that I'm taking a break.

More will come soon.
great job! doesn't it feel so refreshing having an organized bathroom? I just tackled ours a few days ago--man o man, that was a task!
I just noticed..we have the same wooden doors in your house that we have in ours. Do you like them? When we first moved here I hated them but I'm okay with them now, hehe.
bathrooms are such a time consumer when it comes to cleaning...yours looks so nice and tidy. I really like the little dishes in the drawer holding all your little things. Martha would be so proud!
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