Yesterday was my dad's 50th birthday. Mum and I had hoped to make a grand celebration, but since we've all been unwell so much in the last month it didn't happen. We had to settle for a small family celebration which ended up being just fine.

Mum made a birthday meal of steak and potatoes, and I tried my hand at making pound cake for the first time for dessert. I overcooked it a bit, so it turned out rather dry, but when paired with ice cream and strawberries it was tasty.

I made this calligraphy of Psalm 19:1-6 (one of Papa's favorite psalms ever) as part of our gift to him.

After dinner we enjoyed just hanging out, chatting, and playing with the boys. We also played a round of Scattergories which Benjamin won as usual.

Dear Papa, I am so thankful that you're my dad. I couldn't have chosen a better one. I treasure many memories of you from both my growing up years as well as my grown-up ones. I have memories of everything from travelling and "Daddy and Christina songs" to you performing my wedding ceremony to watching you interact with my boys, and I treasure each one. Thank you for being such an awesome father. I am so glad that we got to share in your birthday celebration and look forward to making many more memories in the future. I love you.
Dear Daughter, You made my day special. Thank you! You will always be my little girl and I treasure all the the memories of you growing up. And now to see you as a godly young wife and mother is a delight beyond words. I can only praise God for His grace and mercy in helping us raise you in the fear of God. I also thank God for your husband and the precious boys He has entrusted to you. We love you all and thank God for your whole family. With prayer, Papa
That Psalm and the way you put it to paper is absolutely beautiful. And so are the hearts of your family.
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