Right now Little Man...
loves running, jumping, and climbing
likes throwing balls very hard
enjoys shouting at the top of his lungs
is learning to reserve most of the above activities for outside
loves reading, learning, and exploring
likes cooking in the kitchen with Mom
enjoys painting, sculpting, and drawing beautiful works of art
is almost obsessed with puzzles
is fascinated by building and tools
loves wresting with Dad and getting horsie rides from Grandpa
likes playing games with Grandma
enjoys showing brother the ropes, keeping tabs on what he's doing,
and making him laugh
loves talking on the phone to grandparents, aunts, and uncles
likes telling about things he remembers
enjoys singing and singing and singing some more
is learning to love the truth
to like doing right
to want to do what he's supposed to do
to obey right away
to be such a good big-boy helper

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