The judges awarded my mixed-up-but-not-crazy wall hanging quilt the judges' choice fabric art prize which meant that it won a rosette and $10 prize money. It won a blue ribbon and a purple ribbon too, so they must have really liked it!
I also got purple ribbons for Benjamin's Fathers' Day handprint embroidery gift and for the set of two duck baby bibs that I entered.
I also got purple ribbons for Benjamin's Fathers' Day handprint embroidery gift and for the set of two duck baby bibs that I entered.
My refashioned formal, original Elizabeth bag, mixed media shadow box, calligraphy cards, cup calligraphy, handmade soap, white peach jam, and pluot jam all earned blue ribbons.
The Irish flag quilt, happy accident quilt, free motion quilted baby girl quilt, Little Man's blue apron, Love Never Fails calligraphy, seashell necklace, and apple butter were awarded red ribbons.
My orange and blue tote bag, Brother's treasure bag and lunch set (similar to these), peaches, and tomato soup won white ribbons.
I don't think the judges knew what they were talking about with the tomato soup since it wasn't even opened and tasted, but other than that, I'm pretty pleased with how I did and hope to do well again next year!
From what I've seen of your creative efforts, these ribbons were richly deserved! Congratulations! As ever, WELL DONE!!!
You do such a wonderful job! I'm glad they're recognizing how well you do.
wow, you really entered a lot! and the ribbons your brought home....I know the judges had to have been impressed. congrats on your wins.
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