I'm learning that as a mom, the profitability of one's days (or weeks, or months) isn't determined by a checklist of completed projects/tasks or by how clean my house is or what stunning new recipes I’ve made lately. I have to learn to realize that what happens in all those little moments that seem like interruptions are all valid accomplishments and worthwhile ways to spend my time. For example some mornings go something like this: wipe up spilled juice, give child a cracker, pick up Tupperware scattered across kitchen floor, instruct child not to throw toys away, start dishes, instruct child to not dig in the house plants’ dirt, clear off counter, return to dishes, take a break from dishes to comfort wailing child, change messy diaper, sit on couch in exhaustion and read favorite board book, discuss shapes and colors, look at the clock and wonder where the morning went, and so on. Yep, that's all important. I can't always be a super-achiever, and sometimes just getting through the day is a major feat. If I feel like nothing is getting done (which is probably not the truth anyway), chances are that I have some super-achiever days coming up soon in which I will accomplish mountains of amazing things. Then I’ll pay for it by at least a few days of merely scraping by. It’s just a part of motherhood. No, I take that back, it’s just a cycle in life. I just have to give every day 100% of what I’ve got and be thankful and content with what I am able to get done with that particular day’s 100%.
“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might” (Ecclesiastes 9:10a)
Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:5,6)
God is directing me just the same on the seemingly unprofitable days as He is on the super-achiever days.
In addition to the yummy food that I got pictures of, Benjamin gave me a fragrant mother's day red rose and a card from all three of my guys (Benjamin, Little Man, and Baby). I was going to get pictures of them too, but I realized that I didn't have picture only after I sat down, and I don't feel like getting up. You'll just have to trust me that they are lovely too. ; )
~Peeking in at my sleeping boy (or better yet, holding my sleeping boy).
~Teaching all day long.
~Watching Little Man grow and learn new mental and physical skills every day.
~Hearing him call, "MA-ma!" in his sweet voice.
~Reading together. At this stage Little Man will bring a book, say "Boook, boook", back up to me, and request, "Lap-y? lap-y?" It is SO sweet!
~Enjoying his sweet smiles and contagious giggles.
~Talking walks and seeing the world from a new perspective. They go something like this: "rock! rock! rock!" on seeing every pebble; "flow-ah!" as we stop to smell each dandilion; multiple stops as we check out cones, bend down to inspect what's in the crack of the side walk, pause to bark back at all the dogs, find sticks to poke into the grass, gaze longingly at mud puddles and the proclaim them to be "Yyyyyuck!", or have need to watch the ants scurry all over the sidewalk.
~Feeling Baby kick, yes, even when he wakes me up, it is a joy to know that he is growing and developing.
~Feeding, cleaning, washing, and changing are all joys of being a mother too becasue there is much satisfaction in taking care of my Little Man.
joys of being a daugter/having a mother