We (well, Mum and I) went to a ladies Mother's Day tea.

The guys gave me Mother's Day gifts:
1. A card.
2. Izzy sparkling blackberry juice (my favorite flavor).
3. A fragrant grapefruit which will be enjoyed soon.
4. Chocolate covered dried fruit. (Yum!)
5. Junior mints, a long time favorite.
6. Vanilla Rooibos tea concentrate for making lattes.
7. An electric skillet "gift basket" holding all the rest.
I have missed my electric skillet since it's passing
and was thankful to get a new (and nicer) one.

This is a detail from the inside of my card. Little Man wrote the top "m" and the "o" all by himself. I think is easily one of my favorite part of the whole gift.

I gave Mum a gift: a mug, some fancy hot chocolate, a mini-whisk for mixing the hot chocolate, and a little, colorful notebook just for fun.

I added a hand made card and wrapped it all in purple cellophane with curly ribbon.

Benjamin also made a lovely dinner in celebration of Mother's Day. We had stuffed mushrooms for the appetizer followed by Chicken Alfredo and salad. We finished they meal with fresh strawberries dipped in homemade whipped cream.

Last, but not least, we celebrated Mother's Day by giving and receiving lots of hugs and kisses.