True, my kitchen has come a long, long way from where it began. We are firmly convinced that the dreadful state of the kitchen was the primary reason our house stayed on the market for years, allowing us to get such a good deal on it. It was awful. However, thanks to Benjamin's hard work, it became quite usable, and I have worked quite happily in it for a little over two years.
The open cabinets that house our dishes even look quite stylish trimmed in antique linens and showing off the various greens of the dishes.

The cabinets housing our food, however, leave something to be desired. As do the cabinets beneath the sink that do not really close. And so does the non-functioning and clogged garbage disposal in one side of the sink. These inconveniences in addition to other aesthetic problems, have led us to dream of a modest kitchen remodel. It looks like that dream will be able to be made reality this year.
We received glowing reports of the same company from two different friends, so last week we had a representative of that company measure our kitchen. Soon we will get a call from the kitchen designer and can work out further details. In the meantime, we've been enjoying pouring over the books and pamphlets left for us to peruse.

This simple yet elegant style is my personal favorite. I even like the color on the sample photo and think cabinets like these would look beautiful in my kitchen.

[Little Man takes his helping responsibilities very seriously.]
I can't wait to see what both the next step as well as the finished project will be.
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