Right now Brother is:
sleeping through the night more and more often
starting the clingy i-love-mommy-and-want-to-be-near-her stage
chirping "Da-da!" or "Da!" when he sees his Daddy
playing with Little Man and his toys
getting bored with baby toys
trying to get into the Daddy-Little Man wresting matches
getting bored with baby toys
working on growing his two new top teeth
still putting almost everything in his mouth (yes, even that pine cone)
enjoying an ever broadening range of finger foods
delighting in blowing his baby food all over and making a huge mess
beginning to understand "no" and stop what he's doing when told "no"
pulling himself up on almost anything he can get his hands on
trying to travel while pulled up on furniture
falling and getting frustrated
walking with help
vocalizing along with music
learning to recognize "nose"
getting enough hair that I'm afraid I'll have to cut it before his birthday
charming the world with his winsome smile

sweet fellow, I treasure
each day I have to see you grow
every night I get to hold you sleeping
the smiles shared, the laughs they spark
a beautifully recorded milestone.
Oh my goodness, he is so sweet! I agree with Tammie.
Btw, I passed a "Sweet Blog" award your way, today. I really have enjoyed your blog. Keep up the wonderful job!
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