Kate posted a show and tell post about seven of her favorite things in her kitchen. I enjoyed reading it and looking at her pictures. (By the way, I love Kate's blog, I have learned more organization and cooking tips in the last month than...than...well, I can't think of a good
analogy, so you'll just have to trust me that I have learned a lot from her posts! If you haven't seen her blog yet, you should check it out).
Anyway, after reading Kate's post I was
so excited to see that one of the people she tagged was me! See, I love to cook, spend a lot of time in my kitchen and have a lot to love about it. In fact, I have so much I enjoy about it that I just "had" to post eight things. ; )

First off, I'm going to show you my three kitchen windows and their curtains. I love my unique curtains, and I love how bright all the windows make my kitchen. Someday I hope to have cabinets underneath the window pictured above since my kitchen is rather short on storage and counter space.

This window is above my sink. It actually looks into our car port, but I can see up the street if I turn my head a little bit. Earlier this fall, I posted a picture of the golden tree I could see from it.

Next, I'm sharing a picture of my stove. I spend a lot of quality time concocting tasty things with my stove. It is a gas stove with a convection oven. We decided to
prioritize getting a good stove over replacing cabinets. I'm afraid that my husband spoils me not a little, but he does benefit from it too. ; ) It is
such a step up for the beast of a stove I had to deal with in our apartment.

And, of course, who could pass up a picture of their trusty Kitchen Aid? We put this on our wedding registry not really expecting to
receive it, but we did! I often thankful for that generous gift.

No, this picture
wasn't an accident. I love my beautiful tile floor. In our apartment, the kitchen flooring was a faded, blue, floral,
apparently 50's era carpet that was a pain to clean. You can imagine my delight over our tile floors. (And just in case you think our apartment was a dump, let me tell you that we were paying $325/month for a 1,000 square foot apartment that was old, yet cozy and full of nice little nooks, built in book shelves, etc. Oh, and it had a claw foot tub!)

I love my collection of stoneware, and hardly a day goes by that I don't use at least one of them. Once again, most of these were wedding gifts. The outpouring of love, good wishes, and gifts was truly overwhelming!

These are my tool drawers. The one on the left is the "things that cut" drawer, and the one on the right is the "anything that doesn't belong in the things-that-cut drawer or the utensil
canisters by the stove" drawer. ; ) I love using my wonderful variety tools and come to these drawers often.
Oh wow, I just realized that I'm wearing
mis-matched socks.
Oooops! ; )

This is my cook book shelf. I love cook books. I find them at thrift stores and
receive them as gifts. So far my absolute favorites are the Joy of cooking (I have two editions) and my Bread and Bread Machines book. The shelf used to have more home-decor type things on the middle and lower shelves, but since Little Man has become
mobile, I decided that a safer option would be to store my non-breakable tea collection there. I was excited to be given a nice variety of loose leaf, exotic teas and have enjoyed trying new flavors.a Do you see my fish
Siggy on the top shelf? He is happy to finally have clean water again. ; )

This is my eighth favorite. It is a stained glass apple that hangs on the end of one of my cabinets. I
received it as a gift for, I think, my
third birthday. It has survived multiple cross-country moves as well as a couple of international moves, and I love to have it hanging in my kitchen now.
And now, it's my turn to tag some of you. I hope that at least a couple of you are able to share too. ; ) Though I don't have seven, here goes (oh, and if anyone wants to do it that I missed, please do, I'd like to see your kitchens too):
K of Raise Them Up
Thank you for tagginf me! I'll get to it as soona s possible. I am SO glad I organized my kitchen and made it all pretty the other day!
I love the Apple :) My kitchen is decorated with Apples, as you will see soon. hehe.
I also have the Joy of Cooking book but I have not used it yet!
Your kitchen is beautiful! Sometimes I wish I were more of a cook. (sigh) I get by, but find I'm looking out the window more than paying attention to the meal on the stove--NOT good for my family! lol!
I'm excited about being tagged though, because I can like my kitchen without liking to cook, can't I??
Of course you can love your kitchen without being a gourmet cook. ; )
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